Sunday, November 11, 2018

How To Tighten A Double Chin In 3 Steps

Can learning to tighten a double chin make you have side effects?

You know that feeling when you look at a picture that someone took of you and you wonder if that is really yourself? It makes you wonder what happened and creates of feeling of embarrassment if you don't like what you see? You may even think that the picture reminds you of an old relative with whom you would never think you could be similar at all. This can feel like a trap that you are in and can't get out.

But, the good news is, you can make some changes and do little steps to improve a double chin. All's not lost. You can love to look at that person again in pictures. You will be able to smile with confidence knowing that people will see your gorgeous smile and not your low hanging chin.

I loved watching my chin and neck get tighter as I lost weight consistently. It really does make your smile pop. To make that happen, I had to be consistent and make the changes turn into habits. It was hard at first, but was easier week after week.

How To Tighten A Double Chin In 3 Steps

1. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes. When used on a regular basis or abused, these substances breakdown the elastin fibers that hold the skin together and make it lose elasticity. Collagen is a fibrous protein that makes it possible for the skin to have form and strength. To be effective in it's function, the skin needs to be hydrated. Alcohol dehydrates the skin. Smoking weakens the blood supply and deprives the skin of oxygen.

2. Oils. Essential oils are amazingly powerful to help the skin tighten and glow. They can help induce fat burning and aid in reducing fat cells. When mixed with a carrier oil such as coconut oil, the skin will be able to gain elasticity to help shrink it up and not hang down. Use caution and know how before implementing essential oils.

3. Chin exercises. Stretching and toning your chin area will help those muscles tighten to pull up the skin. There are several exercises you can do with your neck, jaw and chin muscles.

These steps will aid your skin and your chin to create a more youthful shape and form. Be consistent and give it a good try for at least a month.

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